Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On looking "smart"...part II

It's not just people who can look "smart." I learned today that bathrooms can look smart too.

How do bathrooms look smart? Well, taking my cue from the national TB program bathroom (where, yes, I was taking photos), there are several key components of smart toilets:

1. Don't just "moon" the toilet. "Flash" it too so that your exposure is even.
2. Place toilet seats on the wall dividing stalls. This will help keep them clean.
3. Just throw your paper on the floor.
4. Place a plastic tube across the broken sink as a lovely reminder for needed repairs.

Despite these shortcomings, there was both a square of toilet paper on the roll and soap in this bathroom, making it one of the best I've seen in any public building! Hoorah!!!

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