Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No more idle threats

As if things weren't bad enough for the people of Malawi, the USA just froze one of its largest non-health related grants to Malawi - the one aimed at rebuilding the defunct power plants and helping Malawi meet its electricity needs. The Millennium Challenge Corporation noted the recent violence against initially peaceful protests and the growing dictator-like policies of its president as reasons to withhold the aid. It's worth a quick read in the New York Times if you are interested. We're stocking up on candles and hoping that the president comes to his senses.

Honestly, it's getting harder and harder to not just be cynical about this. What is it with African leaders? I thought we had one here as an example of good governance and democracy. Sadly, every day, he acts more and more like his best buddy to the north, Mugabe. Mugabe is not a good role model. We don't need Malawi to turn into another Zimbabwe. Malawi cannot afford it.

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