Friday, April 30, 2010

Fine dining? Not really.

Between the power outages and temporarily living in a guest house, my home dining options have been limited. I do have a stove top, a fridge and a kettle, but these appliances are of limited use as they require electricity. I have not succumbed to licking dry powdered soup mix, but banana and peanut butter sandwiches are beginning to wear on me. It doesn’t help that Jon once showed me a video of a banana singing an annoying song, Peanut Butter and Jelly Time. The eternal repetition of that song in my head while I eat just adds insult to culinary injury.

Today, however, I encountered the holy grail of vegetarian delights: soy milk! I think that my intestines, and my dry breakfast cereal, actually applauded! Now, as you can see on my counter, my life improved significantly. Behold my treasured soy milk ($5); my breakfast staples of Bran Flakes or Special K ($8); my electric dinner of instant soup improved with fresh veggies ($1); my dark night dinner of peanut butter (not pictured: bananas); plain yogurt; instant coffee (coffee pot arrives in shipment…someday); and the ubiquitous Golden Goodness (in yellow baggie) – a type of soy flakes packaged in Zambia that often contains a few “guests” as an added protein treat!

When I move into my (and soon, our) new place on Saturday, I’ll finally be able to shop, chop, and cook for myself. Details on the conclusion of the house hunt to come…

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