Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's in the yard? Me!

Jon and I fell in love with these awesome swings last year on the beach. So, we got the guy who made them to make us 2 as well. They were actually delivered in December, but it took us 7 months to paint and hang them up... Grrrr. Maybe if we had really thought about how much fun we would have, we would have been a little more proactive? Anyway, they are up and fantastic! Here I am swinging away and drinking wine with our friend Lisa. That makes for a pretty perfect end of day activity! Now, who wants to come swing? Anyone? Anyone?


  1. I would love to swing if you got rid of those squiggly black things that also like to frequent your yard.

  2. I love swings! Confession: Sometimes I go to a local playground and swing, by myself, on a swing set designed for children. (I'm lucky to be a chick; otherwise, parents at the playground would probably think that I was a pedophile. Hell, maybe they already do.) Seriously, I love swinging so much, sometimes I worry that I'm autistic. One of the only reasons I'd ever want a yard is so I could have a swing and/or hammock.

    In short, I'M JEALOUS.

  3. I would just like to reiterate for all potential visitors that we have seen one, ONE, "squiggly black thing" in our yard in over a year.

    Also, the heights of the swings are such that your legs (especially Sasha's stubby ones) don't touch the ground.

  4. For the record, my legs are very well formed and are exemplary in their muscle tones. The stubbiness is a natural part of their extraordinary feminine appeal.

    Not to dwell on whatever death-filled cuddliness you have floating in your backyard, but have you at least considered getting a pet mongoose? You can name him Riki!
