Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Switzerland vs. Malawi: A completely objective and non cynical appraisal

10 things I love about Switzerland:
  1. You can drink the water anywhere – in the train car, from fountains on the street, in a glass straight from the tap!

2. You can see snow-capped mountains from every angle around Bern – Just the appearance of changing seasons and boundless hiking opportunities is energizing.

3. There are 7 kinds of available lettuce, all available in pretty bowls surrounded by arugula, red peppers, spinach, baby corns, snap peas, cucumbers, heirloom tomatoes and other fresh, organic, farmer’s market goodness at any restaurant. And, the grocery chain here, Migros, sells a huge salad for $5. I think that I have had 6 in 3 days (my stomach does hurt a tad, but happy mind over digestive matter...).

4. You can walk on the sidewalks – in fact there are sidewalks – without getting covered in dust, gassed by exhaust fumes, or fearing for your life alongside often drunk or barely-licensed drivers of many kids of non road worthy vehicles. And, get this: pedestrians have the right of way everywhere, then bicycles, then buses, then cars – just as it should be. People actually stop at the pedestrian crossings! Oh, and there are trash cans, and people use them too. It’s like a miracle.

5. It’s safe! You can walk alone and you can walk alone at night anywhere and everywhere you want. I even passed a junkie on the street who said, “Good evening” in English to me!

6. No one cares what you look like (and not just if you are white). You can wear shorts, tank tops, swimsuits, mini skirts or whatever. No one stares. I almost feel invisible, and for this week, I am very grateful.

7. Diet coke, you ask? It’s everywhere! Cold, with ice, and in a clean glass. Jon just wrote me to note that there is no diet coke, nor any bottled soda in Malawi these days due to the shortage of foreign currency. I am guzzling up a storm, eschewing beer for this caffeinated chemical goodness (thinking of you, Carmen).

8. Outdoor exercise!!! You can run in shorts and a tank top, and you will be in good company. This morning, I ran (ok: walked fast) from the gorgeous parliament building down to the river, over to the bears, and back up through the Unesco World Heritage area back to the hotel. I honestly thought it felt like heaven.

9. I actually save lives! Yesterday we went for a swim in the freezing, turquoise and extremely swift Aare river with about 500 other Bern summer fanatics. The current is so strong that a few poor (or drunk) swimmers actually die in there every year. One of them was almost my counterpart who I actually had to tow to the shore when he tired (lifeguard training still intact!). Now, he owes me. Scary, but not boring. [He’s fine and the other woman and I still continued our swim once he was safely out]

10. The dogs are friendly and they are everywhere. Dogs on the train, dogs in the cable car, dogs in the restaurants. Nice ones. Ones you can pet. Ones who wag their tails, look well fed, and are well behaved. Say what you will, but this makes me an extremely happy camper. It also makes me miss my Red Dog. She, too, would like summer in Switzerland (and freeze her hairless tail off for 9 other months).

10 things I miss about Malawi? Ummm....


  1. Sound a little like certain parts of the US...maybe life in North Carolina offers a little of Switzerland!

  2. Amazing how much you appreciate when you don't have it. Yes, this is pretty much life in the US, which is pretty nice and comfortable most of the time. Miss you!
