Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An ode to cupcakes

From the moment I can remember anything, I remember Shabbat dinner with my family – a Friday night ritual involving 3 minutes of prayers, 30 minutes of eating dinner, and what felt like an eternity waiting for the most important part of the evening: the Shabbat cupcake! “Shabbat cupcakes” are not just a type of cupcake, although their upside-down appearance, chocolate cake (unless you were unlucky enough to get vanilla ones) and gooey chocolate icing are delicious. They are more a vestige of my childhood, a link to the St. Louis Jewish community, a taste of home, and a warm feeling that I associate with my family.

Recently, Pratzel’s Bakery, the home of the Shabbat cupcake, closed. My mom broke the news to me like the death of an old friend. I am devastated. No more cranky bakery ladies. No more cherry strudel. No more bakery runs with my mom while home. No more cupcakes. Ever. Now, what will we serve at the wedding? In protest, I think that we will have carrots. Nothing can replace my beloved cupcakes.

Goodbye cupcakes. We had a good run while it lasted.

UPDATE: check out the outpouring of support from fellow Pratzel's fans! PLEASE, someone save my favorite bakery!

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