Monday, February 14, 2011

Malawi is no Egypt

Malawians' first attempt at an Egyptian-style protest fizzled before it even began today. Check out the article here.

From what I gather from people whose offices look out over the march starting place, dozens of protesters were prevented from getting to the area by hundreds of policemen. No violence, but no march either. Of course, it is easiest to stop a march when you remove the leadership. So, first thing this morning, the leader of the protest was arrested by the police and held in custody. I believe that he has now been released.

Malawi does not have a history of revolution or uprising. Still, this is an interesting foray into activism for many folks around here. Although the march did not happen, it did get people talking about politics and leadership -- two things that are usually reserved for hushed conversations among close friends. We'll all just have to watch and wait to see what, if anything, happens. For now, I am still just waiting for gasoline...

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