Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mr. Fixit? Ultimately, yes....

Lots of things are broken about Malawi. Lots of things are broken in Malawi. Lots of things are broken in our own house. In Malawi, the renter is responsible for the costs of most repairs within the rented house during the rental period. I know that we blogged about this before, but it is still annoying. It is made more annoying by the tools we have at our disposal: a small hammer, a Leatherman with a wrench tool, and a tiny saw.

So, for the last few months (MONTHS), our toilet has been broken. First, it ran all the time. We ignored it for a while, and then Jon "fixed it" by first buying a bunch of random toilet parts that did not fix the problem and then, second, by applying duct tape and lengthening the tube. The second, homemade, solution worked for a few weeks. Then, it started leaking water out of the handle.

We put a bucket underneath and ignored that for a while too. Then, Jon "fixed it" by first buying some other random toilet parts that did not fix the problem and then, second, by duct taping a chunk of Styrofoam to the float ball for some extra buoyancy. The second, homemade, solution (although unattractive and preventing us from putting on the toilet lid) worked for another few weeks. Then, it started to leak again. AGAIN.

So, we put the bucket back and ignored it for another while. We used a coat hanger to keep the float ball up and the leak reduced for another few weeks. But, then, Jon was headed home for a few weeks, and I really wanted it fixed - *fixed*. I thought we should call a plumber, but Jon still thought he could fix it himself. So, one last time, Jon went out and bought a whole new set of toilet parts, and returned, again, to try to fix the problem. This time, although none of the new parts worked, and the problem turned out to be other than what he thought, he fixed it!

So, after 3 months, the cost of a plumber's visit in toilet parts, and some MacGyver-like ingenuity, we are now on, fingers crossed, week 2 of no leaks. And, the lid is back on the toilet.

Thanks, Mr. Fixit!


  1. Caryl- There is an old saying in our household... lol Anytime someone wants to fix something, it WILL get fixed, but it will take THREE trips to the hardware store before the job is done! Guess the old Crisp legend holds true whether stateside or overseas! LOL Love you, Jon! :-))))

  2. Thanks for the support, sis! It warms my heart to hear someone as handy as Bob has to use the trial and error method. I only wish the hardware stores here were as convenient as the ones in the US. Seems like I have to visit three different ones for every part I need (i.e. it's really 9 trips before all's said and done).

  3. Caryl - David is apparently as much a regular at Kaldi's as Randy & I with mutual friends at this friendly coffee shop. When we realized we had already met - David joked we met on the street - it is a small and wonderful world after all. David has been kind enough to connect me with your blog. Be safe have fun I will be reading and watching and posting so it seems. Rosie Weiss
