Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Namibia - it's not called "Africa Light!" for nothing!

Fewer than 24 hours back home in Malawi, and I already miss the surreal serenity of vacationing in Namibia. More to come in the next week, including lots of amusing stories and photos. However, in the mean time, I’ll share some photos and thoughts of what I already miss:

1. Soft, chewy, salty pretzels with seedy mustard

2. Clean streets with sidewalks and street signs

3. Major roads and highways with picnic areas complete with tables, chairs, shade and trash cans!

4. Drinking clean water straight from the tap

5. Eating salads at every meal – whether from our borrowed cooler or at any small cafĂ©

6. Spending time with good friends

7. Fully stocked grocery stores with organic foods, veggie products, and delicious baked goods

8. Using credit cards so as to NOT carry around bags full of cash

9. Wide open spaces with stunning vistas of deserts and mountains

10. Not working!

To be fair, and to prevent the onset of depression, I am happy to return to:

1. The vibrant green of Malawi in the rainy season

2. Puppies: One with a chewed ear, but both are fine and thrilled to see us

3. Our own bed, off the ground and away from scorpions and sand

4. Fans for the heat (unlike our scotching tent)

5. Cooking on a real, not camp, stove!

6. Showering without shoes

7. The cacophony of bird songs that greet us every morning here

8. Music/BBC – Jon and I had to rely on Namibian radio for our trip – an amusing disaster

9. The stimulating chaos of Lilongwe and having people around

10. Home sweet home, safe and sound


  1. I LOOOVVEEEE the Sossusvlei photos you posted here!!!

  2. It's like inception. Happy to return to Malawi > North Carolina > Missouri
