Thursday, December 23, 2010

News flash: men prefer having sex to raising healthy kids!

Or, at least in Malawi, some men do. In a report a few weeks ago from the Daily Times, which I read bemusedly (humor over tears is my frequent approach here), the practice of spraying DDT in homes for malaria prevention was discouraged because it led to reduced sex drive among men.

There is a current ban on DDT in Malawi, so this article is rather mute. However, I guess some men got wind that health experts are trying to lift the ban as DDT has been shown highly effective in reducing malaria when sprayed (in low concentrations) on the walls of homes - check out an older CDC article here.

Malaria is a huge problem here. I don't know how many men die of reduced sex drive, but an estimated 12,000 people die of malaria every year in Malawi, most of them children.

Now, if you reject DDT use for its destruction of the environment or its general toxicity, I am fine with that. But, if you refuse to use DDT to fight malaria because you might have libido issues, I am slightly sickened.

And, that is why I need a vacation (and why I eat Pepto like candy).

Namibia, here we come! Happy holidays and Happy New Year to everyone!

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