Thursday, December 2, 2010

There are two places like home

Ever feel like life’s roller coaster is moving faster than the speed of light? I could swear that I was just in the States for a visit, but it also just feels like a sweet, sweet dream. Did I actually get to see my friends and family? Did Red dog and I snuggle for 9 solid nights? Did I really eat all that??? Seems it happened, and I have some photos to prove it.

Despite the 67 combined hours in transit, it was blissful to be home. I got in some good time with my STL friends, spent lots of quality couch time with my dog and family, and even managed to get some exercise between mouthfuls by playing Wii, ping pong, and jump rope with my nieces and nephew. I received an original tri-color masterpiece from my 3-year old niece, and my 97-year-old grandma was able to enjoy the holidays with us all. My mom and I managed to avoid almost all seasonal craziness by shopping only (yet repeatedly) at the 3 local grocery stores and Target, and my dad led us in our annual pilgrimage to a labor art show. Jon joined me in STL after spending some time in VA and NC, so we got some (not too bored) board gaming in with the whole family to boot. I even played 3 whole games with barely a pout. A new record!

For Thanksgiving, we had snow! Eating those lovely white flakes was calorie free and delightful. Dinner, also delightful, was slightly sturdier. I had Quorn meatless cutlets, roasted root vegetables, vegetarian dressing, some asparagus, and apple pie. Snicker, you may, but it was heaven to me. Jon devoured the meaty treats with the rest of the carnivorous family. There was plenty of wine and Wild Turkey (not kidding) to go around. Red enjoyed her role at cleanup, just resting her head on my grandma's lap, ever hopeful for something dropped. Other edible excursions included multiple Thai food stops, Vietnamese, and BBQ for Jon (while I ate sweet potato fries and Diet. Dr. Pepper). You know it’s love when a vegetarian suffers a meat eater dining on ribs… extra credit for that!

Then, with bellies full, and bags stuffed to the gills with more food and some toiletries, we left STL for our adventure back to Malawi. With a brief stopover to see my favorite roommate in Johannesburg, we were back home in Malawi. Greeted by a secure house and well cared for puppies, it felt good to be home. It also felt great to be home in STL just a few days ago. Which one is really “home”? I’ll take both, thank you.

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