Monday, September 20, 2010

some recent work head bashers

Just a few things that have made me say, "hmmmmm" in the last few days:

1. A Ministry office called to ask if we had kept a copy of the recent AIDS treatment guidelines. Seems they sent out hard copies and had not kept an electronic file anywhere. They were unsure about which guidelines were the current ones and needed our confirmation.

2. The National AIDS Commission commended us for our dedicated staff and exemplary service for HIV-infected patients. Then, they cut our staff budget by 70% for the coming year. Still, we are supposed to see the same number of patients and serve as a model public clinic.

3. The Ministry spends the same amount on its entire national health budget as the Global Fund donates for just anti-retroviral drugs for HIV-infected patients. Then, in the local paper, government officials noted that the donor presence is becoming a burden and that the country can handle its health issues on its own.

4. This weekend, we are having a rally for community involvement in HIV/AIDS palliative care - basically drawing awareness to our home-based care program and the needs of bed-ridden patients. The rally was supposed to start in a community center, but they wanted too much money for the venue. So, we moved it to a church. The church then stipulated that we could not have any traditional Nyau dancing or speak about birth control. I would have paid the money. We will start in church instead.

These types of events or happenings make finding the humor in every day life much more important. It also makes maintaining an idealistic core underneath my cynicism challenging, but (so far) possible. I truly do love it here!

1 comment:

  1. I am behind in my comments! Been helping Joey and Hillary and having like 20 goodbye parties for them.

    Anyway, that is tough news about the budget cuts. Is it a democracy? I literally don't know. 70% cut seems like a turn around on a campaign promise. Why don't they like help in terms of donors? Could you be expelled?

    I hope your funding gets restored And Nyua dancing never hurt anyone unless you fall off the stilts. Mike
