Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our cup(board) runneth over!

A long time ago in a far off land, I sent a shipment of my and Jon's belongings on an adventure by land and sea and land again that would take more than 18 weeks. On Saturday, miracle of miracles, it arrived! Aside from a gigantic hole where a forklift operator punctured the wooden crate (luckily only depositing wood chips into our toiletries box), it looked exactly as it had months ago.

A great team of locals even came out on a Saturday to deliver (yeah, AGS!). They arrived in a truck too large to get into my house (with a load of only my crate), but they brought a pick-up truck to do the driveway runs. Now, Jon is here, his luggage is here, and the shipment is here. I, for one, can breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Funniest part, on Sunday I got an auto email from Suddath/Sentry asking me for an evaluation of my successful move. I can not wait to fill that out! Just guess what I might have to say...

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