Thursday, July 22, 2010

Madonna + Caryl = Best Friends Forever!

This is unbelievable news! No, I did not meet Madonna. And, yes I would like to, but that is not the point. The point is that I got in touch with Madonna's local charity, Raising Malawi, 2 weeks ago to try to form a partnership. The president of the NGO, the Executive Director of Lighthouse, and I all had a lovely chat about ways we could work together to improve HIV prevention and treatment for children. They asked me to write a short piece about the clinic, and they would post it on their blog. I had no idea it would happen, or that it would happen so fast. But now, thousands of people, possibly tens of thousands of people, are reading the posting. They also put up a link of Facebook, raising awareness about Lighthouse even further.

This could translate to countless donations for Lighthouse, or at the very least, some interested people reaching out to find out more about our amazing work. It makes me want to blast "Like a Virgin" and dance around! It's a great mantra for HIV prevention too.

If you can't follow this links, here are the web addresses:


  1. Huzzah! What an awesome accomplishment. :)

  2. No doubt. Madonna said she matches contributions so I donated. Great work! Mike C
