Monday, July 26, 2010

Channukah in July

After spending 3 days in her airplane wear, Laura's baggage arrived thanks to the helpful people at Wilderness Safaris. Although both bags arrived, the zipper of one bag was broken and the bag open. She and I feared for the worst (and feared emergency bathing suit shopping in Malawi).
However, miracle of miracles: EVERYTHING WAS STILL INSIDE (or as much as Laura can remember packing)! Like manna from heaven, or like 20 clowns piling out of a VW bug, Laura pulled from her bags: padlocks, Little Debbies, USB ports, dark chocolate, dictionary, a fully-inflated volleyball, telephone, Cliff bars, smoke detectors, pepto, Hot Tamales, batteries, falafel mix, and so much more. Only a photo will do it justice.

Laura even managed to bring a few items of clothing for herself. Thank you, Laura!


  1. Hooray for Laura!!! I hope you two have fabulous adventures together!

  2. I am so happy to see the two of you together in Africa! And I'm loving that Chapstick -- regular and cherry.

  3. It shouldn't be a surprise to our readers to learn that I'm the regular one and Caryl is a little fruity. 8-)

  4. I got the same burgundy nylon duffel bag from REI in a package this week!

  5. Little debbies and a smoke detector? Seriously? Mike C
