Friday, June 25, 2010

Red Dog’s new pack

This week, I received the following message, accompanied by several amusing photos.
Red Dog’s cousin, Kobe, is visiting my folks for 2 weeks while my sister and her family are at summer camp. Of all the attractive chewable things in the house (pillows, kid's toys, even stuffed animals), my mom told me that Kobe pulled Red’s entire toy basket off the top of the crate and went to work. As you can see, the toys are disemboweled and eviscerated, not gently squeaked as intended. Of course, he did not touch anything else...nothing! My mom’s newest research project: analysis of Kobe’s brain. I say, jealous much, Kobe? She (my mom, not Red) noted that these pictures spoke the legendary “1000 words”. She also mentioned that last night, after Red and Kobe went to bed, Tucker (my folks’ geriatric dog) started crying downstairs. Both dogs bolted up, ran down to the closed den door, and waited until my mom could get down there to open the doors. Then all three headed outside before everyone quieted back down and went to sleep. They have definitely created a pack. Otherwise, the report is that Red and her cousins have been playing very nicely, chasing each other around the house and yard, and causing the usual amount of multi dog havoc.
The price of dog boarding? 10 new squeaky toys for Red dog.

Thanks, mom, for the update!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm so glad to hear that Red is doing well! On a related note, how are the Malawian puppies?
