Wednesday, October 12, 2011

6 months? Just kidding. I meant 6 WEEKS left. Hallelujah!

Well, times change, people change, things change. And, change is in the air around can smell it (it smells like rain!).

After months, 19 to be specific, of trying my best to make 1000s of glasses of lemonade out of 1000s of lemons, I am turning in my juicer and coming home. I gave my notice at work, and I should be stateside by the first week in December. I like my job, but I like myself and my happiness more. Malawi has lots of wonderful things about it, but access to my family, friends, dog, and clean spinach are not included. And, those things are important. Very important.

I am sure we will post more about our last weeks later, but I wanted to send out the message sooner than later so you all have time to prepare yourselves and your schedules to see us - wherever we might land. My first stop: St. Louis. Red dog, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I have not visited your blog in awhile. Something obviously changed that you decided to leave earlier - NOT that I blame you! I think you know when it's time to come home. I had a similar experience in Peace Corps after extending my service. You should be stateside soon which means we can talk on the phone! We have some catching up to do after our last talk. And maybe I will even get to see you! It's been more than 3 years.
