Monday, March 28, 2011

What's in the yard? A triangle-headed snake!

Bonus points for anyone who can identify what type of snake this is. This is a baby one, gray in color with red eyes. It got into this menacing striking pose when we approached it (but I still had to take its photo, right?). Identification anyone? Someone will come visit, right? We are certain this is the only snake in the yard...Should I go back to posting photos of the puppies?


  1. I like both snakes and puppies, but the arthropods freak me right the hell out. Spiders with fur? Moths bigger than my hand? No, thank you. No sirree.

    My arthropod phobia is a true phobia: completely irrational. I would probably pick up a potentially-venomous snake before I would voluntarily handle any insect or spider.

    I know. I make no sense.

  2. I'm pretty sure you are playing with a Black Mamba there. Seems like a bad idea since they can get up to speeds over 10 miles an hour and are 100% lethal without anti-venom

  3. Oh. I think the "red eyes" might actually be from the camera flash, since only one of the eyes is actually red.

  4. Sorry, Nathan: Can't be the flash as I did not use it. BOTH its eyes were red. Baby Black Mamba? Possible. Hmmmm. Will not let documentation force bad snake-associated decisions again...

  5. I'd argue that it's very unlikely to be a Black Mamba since they're not black and this snake certainly would seem to fall in the black category.

  6. Because I love you, I feel compelled to add a bit of unsolicited advice...I'd want you to be 1000% certain it's not a black mamba before you get so close to it again!

  7. Shouldn't you just stay away from all snakes with diamond heads? Where is your house staff to shriek and beat it to an unrecognizable pulp?
