Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jon and Peanut's fight

For those of you who know Jon, you know he loves board games -- the fancy, intricate, detailed European kinds with the unique pieces and price tags to match. Also, for those of you who know Jon, you know he likes, but does not love, dogs. Or, he does not love dogs as I love dogs.

This morning tried his patience. Sorry about that, Buddha.Peanut escaped, surprisingly, with barely a muffled, "bad dog." Jon says he was not that upset. I say what saved her was timing: it was 7:15 and we were late for work. Plus, who could yell at her???
But, Peanut be warned: if this happens again, it will not end well for you. That sweet face can only protect you so well...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Peanut is such a cutie! Just look at that face. Jon would like our Olive: So far her "bad dog"-worthy destruction has been limited to a single winter glove and the decorative ribbon on one of my bedroom slippers. And chewing a shoe is practically a doggie rite of passage, so I couldn't be mad at her. :)
