Sunday, January 23, 2011

Alternative uses for your antiretrovirals...

So, we all know that antiretrovirals (ARVs) help people living with AIDS live longer, more healthful lives, and that these life-saving drugs are becoming more readily available all over sub-Saharan Africa. In Malawi, of the approximately 1 million infected, over 200,000 people started ARVs since 2004-- a pretty amazing feat! Still, with the increase in access to these drugs, and their low or no cost to those in need, come some surprising downsides.

Two alternative, and highly discouraged, uses of ARVs have been circulating around work recently:

1. Ever wonder how those bony chickens in the markets have such large breasts? Seems that some individuals might be feeding their poultry ARVs with the hopes of giving them the same fatty deposits that some people get as a side effect of the HIV drugs, called lipodystrophy. Lipodystrophy typically causes fat loss in the arms, legs, and face while creating fatty deposits on the breasts, stomach or back of the neck. Sadly, you can see how some folks might think that these drugs would act like steroids for poultry.

2. And, for those who are fed up with being high on life, it seems that ARVs can be used to just get high. In South Africa, ARVs are purportedly being used to lace a marijuana-based drug popular with the 'tweens and club scene. Seems that some people in South Africa are being robbed of their ARVs by gangs who can use the drugs in their more potent cocktails.

Anyone else heard some other amusing tales of ARV abuse??


  1. I don't find it particularly amusing, but I've read that you can buy a combo of tenofovir, Ecstasy, and Viagra in many gay clubs here in the States. Hooray for prophylaxis, I guess…?

  2. This all makes crushing up and snorting ones Ritalin so very, very 6th grade! What will people think of next?!?!
