Sunday, August 22, 2010

Red dog's feast!

My mom wrote to tell me the following quick stories about my mutt in St. Louis:

"Your contented dog is asleep in the chair. I prepared chicken thighs for dinner last night: one for me, two for Dad, and Red swiped the three in the kitchen before I could get them in the freezer. They were already in the plastic carton, sitting on the counter! Then, tonight I fixed grandma a plate of rice, broccoli, and a drumstick. I left it on the counter for 10 seconds while I helped grandma to her chair. When I got back to the kitchen, the rice and broccoli were untouched; the chicken had vanished.

Smart, happy dog! Parents still learning..."


  1. Payback for years of only veggies. She has a iron deficiency.
