Sunday, November 14, 2010

A much-needed injection of dorky bliss

So, I know that monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are not thrilling words, and I know that I might well be my only reader who actually finds M&E interesting. That’s ok: It’s my job, likely not yours. Still, I think that everyone can understand the nerdy elation that stems from conducting a highly successful workshop. And, yesterday (Saturday), feeling sick as a dog and medicated to the nines, I led a 10-hour M&E seminar for the managers, coordinators, and senior staff at work. Not only did all 20 people who were suppose to show up actually show up on a weekend at 7am, but they even worked through their tea and lunch breaks to complete their tasks by 5pm. Granted, they were bribed with their usual “allowance” (fodder for another post); mollified with donuts; and numbed by constant provision of candy, but they participated actively, debated with each other, and provided amazingly constructive comments throughout the long day. Even the Executive Director noted that the day far exceeded his expectations (harrumph and yippee!)! End result: departmental planning frameworks and a forward-thinking strategic plan for 2010-2013. Plus, their end of the meeting wrap-up session comments made me feel like I am actually making a difference. Paraphrased, people remarked things like:

“It helps us take pride and ownership in our work to participate in a planning day”

“It helps me feel accountable for my work successes and failures”

“It was nice to help plan our M&E activities versus having our M&E activities planned for us”

“We really learned a lot and got to put your weekly M&E workshops into practice (special rush of happiness and pride!)”

I know this may seem like small potatoes, but this really does set my workplace and my work colleagues apart from 99% of all other health workers here in Malawi. Now, I can go home for Thanksgiving and be excited to come back to Malawi for the next 17th months. International health folks: you know this is a coup! Hallelujah! I needed it.


  1. Congrats, Caryl!This is quite an accomplishment, especially if you can make
    M & E interesting and exciting. : )
    More importantly...they have donuts in Malawi?!

  2. Congrats on ME success and slump success! Blog about best place to send holiday HIV donations? Also, Allison told me Grey's Anatomy recent joke. Women doctor going to Malawi...but girlfriend torn about going b/c nothing for her to do there.
