Sunday, October 10, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new!

This week, there were many dog comings and goings in the household. Tomato’s reproductive organs left first, and then she was adopted on Saturday. Congratulations, Tomato: you became a woman, lost your femininity, and gained a new family all in the same week! Her new family – a young couple from Denmark – is lovely, so I am certain that she will be happy. I, however, am a little sad to see her go.

Not so sadly, Zebra chased the housekeeper’s kids (imagine shrill screams of unimaginable volume at 6:15am every day) for the last time. Zebra thought it was a game; the kids believe wholeheartedly that they were being hunted for the kill. She was returned to the kennel. Foster mom fail! [Zebra shown here enjoying her preferred (and quite odd) sleeping position.]

And, to replace them both, welcome Peanut (fuzzy) and Daisy (sleek)! They are adorable, adapting to puppy paradise swiftly, and made good progress on paper training their first day. I must admit that there are few things that bring as much joy as puppies. Maybe playing with puppies while eating dark chocolate? I’ll try that now. Hope I can handle the elation!


  1. Come on, Caryl! Everyone knows "FAIL!" should always be capitalized.

  2. You are so sweet to be a foster mommy to dogs. I adopted a cat from the humane society about three weeks ago and we are totaly in love with her. Check out my fb page for photos. Miss you!
